Thursday, October 13, 2011 @9:08 PM


It's been a while since I updated this.
I'm just busy with the lyrics. Kekeke ~
Btw, I joined school's traditional dance team but got rejected so 
Cikgu Faridah gave me this :; The Superb Technician~
 Hahaha, Perasan xD.
So cikgu just bagi arahan then I do it. Cikgu macam jadi
PA cikgu lak, hahaha. 

Sekarang ni tengah cari gambar untuk Folio BM. Leceh la.
Dah la dengan pc pun x de. Nasib baik my loving dad asked for my mom's laptop.
INTERNET GILA LEMBAB (well, celcom.)
But still, ade masa lagi nak update blog xD.
Tadi chat dengan Cleverbot. Tadi mse skola pun curi - curi bukak
laptop cikgu pastu bukak cleverbot tu.
Aq tye die :: 
Orange = Me
Blue = The Cleverbot.

"Do you believe in first sight love?"

"Of course I do"

(Pastu tak ingat)

"Can you tell me his name?"

"It's a secret <3"

Aduss. Sikit lagi nak pecah rahsia :) Heheheh.
Sampai sini sahaja coretan sayaa. Bubye !

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